Help to buy valuation
The Help to Buy Scheme offers first time buyers a government backed equity loan to buy a newly built home.
Unlike mortgages, the loan is based on the proportion of the property’s value (equity), as opposed to a set amount of money.
If you have purchased your home using this scheme, you will need to get an independent valuation if you sell or want to repay the loan. The amount you repay depends on the present value of the property.
Similarly, should you wish to increase your share of the property, referred to as ‘stair-casing’, an independent valuation is also required.
We carry out professional and accurate valuation so that you do not repay more than you have to. Our reports are fully compliant with all 'Target' requirements.
Valuations will typically be emailed to you within 48 hours of the inspection and we will be available to answer any queries Target may have following our valuation.